martes, 28 de agosto de 2018

Report 3


Season 1, Episode 2
Resultado de imagen para riverdale season 2

This chapter continues with facts of the first episode. The death of Jason Blossom now is treated like a murdered so the story becomes more intense.
The relations among characters also were more complicated. We could see them angry and scared. At the begining everything was wrong, for example Archie was being manipulated for not to tell the information that he knew about Jason Blossom.
However they decided to do the right things and they could be in peace like great friends. The chapter ends with a dramatic confession: Cheryl Blossoms said she was guilty.

The words that I learned:

  • booth - cabin
  • bloated - hinchado
  • sneak - soplón
  • latch - cerrojo
  • bill - sales check
  • stun - confuse
  • laid - located
  • bailed - rescatado


Resultado de imagen para harry potter and the philosopher's stoneHarry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 🔮
Pages 1 - 5

In these pages started Harry Potter. It is one of the most incredible and important stories in the world. 
The story began like a normal tale, it introduced us to some ordinary characters. However, everything started to become strange. We followed Mr. Dursley to his job but that day was unusual. He noticed something different and conected with his nephew but he tried to keep calm.
At this part of the story he doesn't know what is waiting for him.

The words that I learned:
  • beefy - fornido
  • craning - extend
  • bear - hold up
  • shuddered - sentir un escalofrío
  • dull - boring
  • hummed - tarareado.
  • wrestled - fight
  • jerked - shake off
  • nerve - value
  • steer - lead
  • swooping - precipitate 

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