martes, 28 de agosto de 2018

Writing 2 📝


I was on the beach when suddenly my mobile phone rang. It was my friend Santiago, he wanted me to go back to the city for the weekend because Ed Sheeran was there for a concert that weekend. So I had to go, but my other friends at the beach didn't want to go back. I was very sad because it was my birthday and I thought that my friends didn't love me. Then the weekend arrive and I was eating my breakfast when they took me and we went to the beach where Ed Sheeran was. Finally I could stay in the concert with friends. It was an excellent surprise for my birthday.

Writing 1 ☑️


Report 5


Rick and Morty
Season 2, Episode 10

Resultado de imagen para rick and morty season 2 episode 10This was the final episode for the season 2. It started like a special episode about the wedding between "Birdperson" and Tammy. Everything was OK, Rick finally felt in peace with his family and friends. However Tammy revealed she was an agent of the Galactic Federation and the wedding was a trap to catch Rick and his friends. That was very intense, Rick had to escape with his family while the Galactic Federation was attacking the place. Finally Rick had to take most important decision of his life, he turned himself to the Galactic Federation and all his family thought he left them.

The words that I learned:

  • hang out - while the time away
  • approaching - que se acerca
  • trail off - fade
  • hole - agujero
  • waste - rubbish
  • surrounded - rodeado


Blue bird from 'Rio' movie now extinct in the wild

Spix's macaws sit on a branch in their aviary at the Association for the Conservation of Threatened Parrots in Germany.

This article is about Spix's macaw because now is confirmed extinct. The macaw is better known as Blu, the protagonist of the movie RIO. In that movie also treats this problem, that macaw is in danger of extintion. Its extinction is product of deforestation and uncontrollable agriculture.
Finally the article says that the movie RIO arrived to cinema eleven years late. Perhaps if the movie had arrived early, the macaw wouldn't have extinct now.

The words that I learned:
  • branch - rama
  • macaws - guacamayos
  • mainland - continent
  • outpacing - leave behind
  • sweep - precipitate
  • logging - explotación forestal

Report 4


Season 1, Episode 3
Resultado de imagen para riverdale capitulo 3

This episode was really illuminating because we discovered that Jason Blossom tried to runaway, but he couldn't. We don't know why he was trying to runaway or if he was escaping from someone.
Also we discovered who shot in the forest the day when Jason Blossom dissapeared, he was Dilton, the leader of the scouts. However to save himself he reveals the secret of Archie to his friends and the chapter ends.

The words that I learned:

  • reach - alcance
  • spinning - hilado
  • upset - disorder
  • coverage - write up
  • dormant - latent
  • willing - dispuesto a

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Pages 6 - 10

Resultado de imagen para harry potter and the philosopher's stone bloomsbury
We continue the story, Mr. Dursley had had a normal day at his job but he was very worried inside. When he arrived to his house he watched in the TV that the owls were acting very strange and there were lights in the sky in all Britain. He conected everything with the Potter family but he thought it wouldn't affect him and his family. In the night a strange man arrived to Privet Drive, the man was Albus Dumbledore, he turned off all lights in the street. The cat that was following Mr. Dursley became to an old woman and they started to talk about the last events.

The words that I learned:

  • tabby - (gato) atigrado
  • spotted - stained, manchado
  • stern - hard
  • pattern - standard
  • grin - mueca
  • crept - deslizado
  • quiver - quake
  • amuse - entertein
  • stiff - tense, rígido
  • tuck - candies

Report 3


Season 1, Episode 2
Resultado de imagen para riverdale season 2

This chapter continues with facts of the first episode. The death of Jason Blossom now is treated like a murdered so the story becomes more intense.
The relations among characters also were more complicated. We could see them angry and scared. At the begining everything was wrong, for example Archie was being manipulated for not to tell the information that he knew about Jason Blossom.
However they decided to do the right things and they could be in peace like great friends. The chapter ends with a dramatic confession: Cheryl Blossoms said she was guilty.

The words that I learned:

  • booth - cabin
  • bloated - hinchado
  • sneak - soplón
  • latch - cerrojo
  • bill - sales check
  • stun - confuse
  • laid - located
  • bailed - rescatado


Resultado de imagen para harry potter and the philosopher's stoneHarry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 🔮
Pages 1 - 5

In these pages started Harry Potter. It is one of the most incredible and important stories in the world. 
The story began like a normal tale, it introduced us to some ordinary characters. However, everything started to become strange. We followed Mr. Dursley to his job but that day was unusual. He noticed something different and conected with his nephew but he tried to keep calm.
At this part of the story he doesn't know what is waiting for him.

The words that I learned:
  • beefy - fornido
  • craning - extend
  • bear - hold up
  • shuddered - sentir un escalofrío
  • dull - boring
  • hummed - tarareado.
  • wrestled - fight
  • jerked - shake off
  • nerve - value
  • steer - lead
  • swooping - precipitate 

Report 2

Resultado de imagen para rick and morty


Rick and Morty 👾👽🛸
Season 3, Episode 1

This was an incredible chapter, I could say that is the better chapter that I have ever watched. The episode starts with a origin story about the protagonist. That was very interesting because Rick is a great character and after two seasons we love him. Then we know that story is fake and it was a Rick's plan for change his mind with the alien and destroy the Galactic Federation. Also we have references to other good chapters. Finally Rick managed to destroy the Galactic Federation and the Citadel of Ricks and poses a good stage for this season.

The new words that I learned were:

  • Folds - Dobleces
  • Pills - Píldoras
  • Roasted - Rostizado
  • Pull out - Get out
  • Step up - Increase



Resultado de imagen para deadpool 2This review starts talking about how the protagonist is and mention that the movie is fresh compared with other superhero movies like Avengers Infiniy War or Justice League. The review focus on the feelings and actions of the protagonist, he felt depressed and for that reason he tries to save the kid and make a new family. Also talk about other characters and their great performances. Finally the review recognise the incredible work of the director and writers.

The new word that I learned were:

  • Brand - Marca
  • self-aware - Consiente de sí mismo
  • solace - comfort
  • scoundrels - shameless

domingo, 19 de agosto de 2018

Report 1

Resultado de imagen para riverdale temporada 1



Season 01 Episode 01
This chapter is about introduce all principal characters and talk us things like their goals or passions, their interest and even dark secrets. Also present us the relations between the characters. In addition show us the most imporatant problem of the story, that is the death of Jason Blossom and who murdered him?
I liked how this TV serie started, because we have mystery with teen drama.

The new words that I learned were:

crave - ask
buried - enterrado
glove - guante
dread - fear
jeopardizing - put in danger
curfew - toque de queda
deadlift - peso muerto


Avengers Infinity War REVIEW 

This article is an opinion about Avengers Infinity War without spoilers. However the review is about how the film opens with strong feelings. Also the article is about the villian, his description and his most important goal: kill half universe, because he thinks the overpopulation is the biggest problem for the life. In addition the review emphasizes how the combination of superheroes was effortless for story and congratulates to the directors for this incredible movie.
Resultado de imagen para avengers infinity war
The new words that I learned were: 

widely - extensamente
touting - promocionando
jolt - sacudir
effortless - easy or simple
willing - complaciente
smooth - suave
delight - pleasure
mercy - compasion or forgiveness
attempt - try
gain - ganancia
aim - goal

viernes, 10 de agosto de 2018

My Introduction


My name is Erasmo Domínguez Sánchez, I am 18 years old. This is my first semester in Industrial Engineer at Tec de Monterrey.

🌟 🌟

I love the movies because I like the incredible stories about adventures or about the life, and I love how the Director transmits a message for everyone that watch the movie. Another thing that I like is the philosophy, for example the paradoxes or questions like what is the eternity.

At the moment I am enjoying my classes at Tec de Monterrey, I feel that I am learning important things for the life.

I traveled to London when I was 15 years old. I visited incredible places like London Eye or the Big Ben.

Lately I think that we can't trust in people easy and we can't expect something from the people, however I still have a little piece of faith in the humanity.