domingo, 28 de octubre de 2018

Report 7


link: Netflix
Season 2 Episode 02

Resultado de imagen para riverdale season 2
This episode is about what happened after the arrived of Hiram Lotch. Archie feels really bad because his father is in the hospital and he finds out that Miss Grundy has been murdered. Veronica is really angry because his father Hiram is in the town and she accuses her father for plan the attack to Archie's dad. Jughead is also worried about his dad. His father is in the jail for protect him and his friends and the case is very difficult. Betty tries to help everyone. She got an important witness for the judgment day and Jughead's dad won the judgment. Betty also saves the restaurant where Archie's dad was attacked. However every solution had a big price.

The words that I learned:
deputy - suplente
quoute - cita
witnesses - testigos
nasty - disgusting
wrap - envolver
crap - shit
endorse - approve
landmark - trademark
upper - higher
host - anfitrión
legit - legítimo
bust - failure
whithin - dentro
prank - joke
closure - cierre
gloat - relamerse



This article is about Steve Jobs movie, which is an espectacular film with a lot of drama and it has an excellent script. Also this article makes a comparison between Steve Jobs movie and The Social Network, that is a similar movie about Mark Zuckerberg. Both movies has incredible actors for support the plot.
The movie is a biopic about Steve Jobs. It is divided in three acts. The presentation of the Macintosh is the first act. Then the exposition of the cube and the plan for back to Apple. Finally the last act is about the presentation of the iMac. At this part the protagonist achieved the happiness.
Also the article emphasizes the performance of Michael Fassbender was extraordinary and he shows perfectly the way that Steve Jobs saw the world.
Resultado de imagen para steve jobs film
The words that I learned:
witted - ingenioso
boldly - valientemente
bravura - ferocity, brave
slate - blackboard
indeed - in fact
quantum - cuántico
stamping - print
infuriating - exasperante
wiring - cableado

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