domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2018

Report 6


link: Netflix
Season 4, Episode 2

Resultado de imagen para gotham season 4This chapter is about fear. In this episode introduced us the Scarecrow and he is a new villain. He got an army because he wanted revenge of the GCPD (Gotham Police). Also was a surprising episode because it revealed that Barbara Kean was alive. She started to sell weapons for criminals of Gotham. In addition the episode continues with the story of Bruce Wayne. He was attacking and catching criminals until almost die because one of them had a gun. For that reason he got a new suit with more protection. I think this was a complete episode with an interesting story and we can hope an incredible season.

The words that I learned:

fellow - partner
outdated - antiquated
issued - published
within - inside
slit - aperture
trail - clue
badge - insignia
brand - mark
grudges - rencor
stooge - partner / secuaz



The article is about the movie "Watchmen" and it is an adaptation of comic with the same name. The article starts explaining the disagreement between Alan Moore (the author of the comics) and Warner Bros (the company that made the film). Alan Moore believed that Watchmen movie will be a mess. However, Zack Snyder (the director of the film) proved he could make an incredible movie. Also the article describes the characters and their ambitions. In addition the most important thing of the movie is the story. We have retired superheroes in 1985 with Cold War paranoia and the plot is about avoid a close war between US and Russia. Finally the conclusion is that Zack Snyder made an amazing work in this movie and he adapted faithfully the comic story.

The words that I learned:

    Resultado de imagen para watchmen
  • rundown - debilitado
  • drained - agotado
  • bumped - hit
  • quizzed - interrogado
  • ties - vínculo
  • encouraging - alentador
  • faithful - loyal
  • dizzy - mareado
  • tossed - threw
  • shuttles - truck
  • whirling - go round
  • wrestled - fight
  • fill - llenar

viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2018

Speaking Activity 1


Comparatives, superlatives & question tags

Resultado de imagen para beer factory

lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2018

1º Partial Reflection 🧐

Resultado de imagen para ingles


This partial was heavy, because I had a lot of work every class. I think the activities were excellent for learn. For example, speaking activities with friends and other partners.  The activities for introduce the topic were natural. In my opinion I worked very well and I tried to get excellent grades every time. I did my corrections and participated a lot in class. Although I struggled I think I could get better grades. 

1º Partial Speaking Exam

Speaking Rubric


What will I do next partial to improve my speaking production?
To improve my speaking production first I will participate more in class. I will learn more kinds of words I try to include more structures in my conversation. Also I will try to put more attention in my fluency at the moment when I am speaking. 

Writing Exam | 1º Partial 📜


Last year was a bad time for me. I had lost hope in the people, most of my friends had gone. So I thought that I needed to change. 
I started to study in another school, there I met Kath. We were great friends, she supported me while I was having problems. We started to go to incredible places like museums or restaurants and we enjoyed walking in the rain. However, she had to go to England to finish her major. I sent message every week. 
After 5 years we got married, now we are happy.

Speaking Project 📽| 1º Partial


I observed that I have to work on my fluency and pronunciation. In one part they didn't understand me for the word "food". I think I could participate more in the conversation. However, it was a good conversation. I liked this project because I could meet those beautiful girls and I could practice my English skills in a real conversation.