jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2018


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This was an excellent course. We had a lot of activities for improve our English skills. In class we worked a lot. We had videos for detect tenses, speaking activities among everyone and games. I think the quizzes on Monday were excellent for practice more and review topics. Labwork sessions were important too because we could do more exercises. I discovered some details about structure and I improve the knowledge about topics that I already knew. The blog helped me a lot because I practiced my writing skills and my vocabulary grew up.

2º Partial Reflection 🤨

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This partial was better than the first. We have more activities that helped to improve my skills. For example games which we have to speak a lot. The quizzes on Monday were important for practice and review topics. I liked the project because I could prove my skills with a foreign person and was interesting. The videos on class were excellent for detect kinds of tenses. I got better grades but I think it was because I participated a lot.

2º Partial Speaking Exam



What will I do to improve my oral production?

I will work in my fluency. I think I could do exercises for improve my fluency. I have to work to make better discourses. I must speak with more linkers in my sentences to give cohesion to my ideas. I have to sound more natural and improve my pronunciation in general.

2º Partial Writing Exam 📃🖋



Hi Tom,
I have just arrived home. I have been to London. It is an incredible place, isn't it? Maybe it is by far the most beautiful city that I have ever been. I went to the London Eye. However, the centre of London is more interesting than the London Eye. I couldn't take a photo at the Big Ben, because it was being repaired. I didn't like the food, for me the Mexican food is the most delicious. There are lots of beautiful buildings. 
I see you next Monday. I want to show you my photos.

2º Video Project 🎥




I need to improve my fluency. I have to practice more because my part doesn't sounds very natural and in some parts I got stuck talking. However, I think my ideas were clear. This activity was excellent for practice and in the second part of the project I could learn about Italian traditions. I enjoy a lot this kind of projects.